Online Slots Mania

This site was created thinking of all of you out there that love to play online slots... Find out about the best online casinos to play slots, what are the best online slots games... and find the best casino bonus and promotions...

Best Online Slots Resource Site

Hi! Welcome to my little web site!

Yes... I know what you are asking yourself...

Not, another borring Online Slots site?
Nothing new? As expected nothing new about Slots Online...
Now where did I saw this before???

Well, I also asked those questions, when visiting websites!

That's what has driven me to create this little web site!
Why??? why??? why did I create this web site?

So, now you must be wondering what can you find in my website?
Well here at Online Slots Mania, you will find information about:
  1. Technical and Functional information about online slots.
  2. Some personal "adventures" playing online casinos, mainly playing slots games. Not only my own "adventures", as well some "adventures" from friends of mine.
  3. Then you can find out what are my favorite online casinos, information, my personal experience with this casinos, my favorite games within these online casinos and more...
  4. Also I will try to bring the most up to date news about new online casinos that have good online slots games!

Just remember that these opinions are based on my personal experience.
And also in the experience on some good personal friends of mine, that some times contribute with information for Online Slots Mania!

I say this to remind you that your personal experiences will surely be diferent for mine or my friends...
Even so I think they will positive :)
Also feel free to share your experiences on online gambling with us...
Simply email us at myexperiences at Online Slots Mania dot com!

Finally, I hope you enjoy my site!

Have Fun and Happy Gambling and GOOD LUCK!